Monday, January 4, 2010


That pretty much sums up the weekend. Shopping for groceries was painful. The cold wind cut to the bone. We tried to remain inside the house where it was warm, generating some of our own heat playing some 100 pin bowling on the Wii. Oh, and eating. We did a lot of eating...

We did have a fright when a friend's daughter was kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend! Thankfully she has been found. She is recovering from hypothermia but is doing well and should be going home soon.

Overall it was a relaxing weekend. Christmas vacation is officially over and it's back to business!

I decided on a fabric to make some curtains for our kitchen. It's from the Bloom and Grow collection by Riley Blake. It sort of reminds me of the curtains I had in my bedroom when I was a little girl. I think it's cheery and fun. We have new windows but I'm hoping the curtains help in making the kitchen warmer. They'll beautify it for sure!

Well I best get busy...
Lots of things to do today... supplies to be ordered, crocheting to finish, sewing projects to cut out and cleaning to be done. It's Monday after all. ;)

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