My life, what we eat, recipes, the soap I make, my glass creations, things I sew, crochet and more...
Saturday, November 6, 2010
And the winner of the Cosmic Cupcake is...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Cosmic Cupcakes!
This week I’ll be giving away a 5 ounce Cosmic Cupcake scented with chocolate cupcake, strawberries and cream topping and a cherry on top!
They are a new product and I will be listing very soon.
The cupcakes are made from goat’s milk soap. The cherry is glycerin soap.
They can be made in a variety of scents and can also be filled with some fantastic plastic jewelry to make it a “Surprise” cupcake for the special little girl in your life.
To enter this week’s giveaway just comment below telling me what your favorite cupcake flavor is!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
And the candle winner is...

Please send me a message with your name, address and candle scent choice. I have many scents I don't even have listed so let me know if there is a particular one you desire.
My father-in-law is in town to visit! This morning we are taking the kids to his hotel to swim. Later we'll gather for some good food and family time. Yay!
Have a great day everyone!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Candle Giveaway!
They are a new product that I will carry upon my return. They come in cute little jar with a gold lid. Sorry, no picture at this time…
It will be the last giveaway for awhile since I will be having more surgery next week. L But the fun will continue just as soon as I’ve recovered!
To enter this week’s giveaway just comment below telling me what your favorite cheap and easy dinner meal is!
And since I didn’t have time yesterday I will now post this week’s menu.
This week’s menu:
Sunday – tomato, clam and rice soup
Monday – leftover soup and sandwich
Tuesday – shake and baked pork chops, mac and cheese and veggie
Wednesday – grilled chicken fajitas and rice with pinto beans
Thursday – sausage, potato, pepper and green bean skillet
Friday – ffy
Saturday – ffy
I’m so thankful for my new handicapped parking pass. It makes getting in and out of places so much easier and much less draining.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Warm and pretty...
Monday, September 20, 2010
Mystery Giveaway!

This week all you need to do to enter is tell me if you’d rather have:
1) Something to light up your life.
2) Something pretty and warm.
3) Or something that looks good enough to eat (but you can’t).
Leave me a comment with the number of your choice. The winner will be picked by random drawing on Saturday.
Good luck!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Mmmm... minestrone!
We shopped for the weekly groceries. I sewed and made new tea light candles.
Jake and I worked on his very first school project, a poster that was all about him. It’s so cute! And we made a fabulous soup for dinner!
I am pooped!
This week’s menu:
Sunday – minestrone soup
Monday – leftover soup and sandwich
Tuesday – tuna salad wraps and chips
Wednesday – lasagna and garlic bread
Thursday – ribs, potatoes and coleslaw
Friday – FFY (fend for yourself)
Saturday – TBD (“to be determined” might be going out…)
This week I am thankful for earlier bed times because these little buggers are tired!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
EEMedley! You are the WINNER!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Fall Bling Giveaway
To enter this week’s contest leave me a comment telling me your favorite fall recipe! You can either leave a link to the recipe or copy and paste it to the comments. Not only will I get a some new fabulous recipes, but you will too!
It’s that easy! The winner will be picked by random drawing on Saturday.Rules: You need only be a follower of my blog, be a US or Canadian resident and complete this week's contest requirements to be eligible to win.
Good luck!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Sunday in September
Today I’m working on a custom order, some gifts and some new things. Busy, busy!
This week’s menu:
Sunday – chicken & sausage chili and cornbread
Monday – leftover chili and sandwiches
Tuesday – cheeseburger macaroni and a veggie
Wednesday – tilapia, rice pilaf and veggie
Thursday – heavenly potatoes and ham
Friday – ffy (fend for yourself)
Saturday – spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread
This week I’m thankful for changing seasons. I love the cool air and emerging fall colors!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Kiwi has won!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Gift Certificate Giveaway
So, this week’s blog giveaway is a $10 gift certificate, good in any of my shops.
Anything above and beyond $10, including shipping, is the responsibility of the winner.
To enter just leave me a comment telling me what your favorite subject/s was or were in school! Mine? I loved art and science.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Spectacular Sunday

Sunday – penne in a tomato cream sauce with Italian sausage and salad
Monday – hamburgers, hotdogs, spaghetti salad and corn on the cob
Tuesday – Subway sandwiches
Wednesday – baked whole chicken, rice pilaf and green beans
Thursday – nachos
Friday – ffy (fend for yourself)
Saturday – grilled sausages, oven baked potato wedges and poke cake
This week I’m thankful the changing of seasons. Yeah for cool air that doesn’t cost anything!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
And the SPARKLE winner is...
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Wiped Out Wednesday
Lots of supplies were ordered today. Gearing up for the holiday season!
Changes are happening in the Collins household. Looking towards the future… a little give and take makes the outcome look exciting! I’ll have more to come on that subject as we hash things out.
A very easy dinner is being made tonight… sometimes the days spent in front of the computer screen are the most exhausting but necessary nonetheless.
Hoping (praying) for a relaxing evening… Whew!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Win some sparkle!
To enter this week’s contest leave me a comment telling me the best thing you did this summer. Then leave me another comment telling me what you’re looking forward to most this fall.
(Make each comment a separate post.)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Can not even believe August is nearly over…
A black eyed susan in my garden at night.
We have one more week of summer. Then the kids will be in school. Wow…
I’ve been going full speed since I woke up this morning. I have the soup on for dinner tonight. Now I need to make some soap and pick this week’s prize for the giveaway. And if there is time I might do some sewing!
This week’s menu:
Sunday – homemade potato soup (slow cooker)
Monday – leftover soup and sandwich
Tuesday – baked whole chicken, stuffing and veggie
Wednesday – taco rice (hamburger helper)
Thursday – takeout…
Friday – ffy (fend for yourself)
Saturday – beef stroganoff (slow cooker)
This week I’m thankful for my loyal customers. I now have enough money to replenish my box supply that I ship your orders in. Thank you!
Back to work I go!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Kiamesmommy has won!
Random.org chose the #26. Next week I'll get a screen shot (I just figured out how...).
I've switched up tonight's dinner. We'll be having grilled italian sausage with Panzanella salad ( http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Panzanella-Salad/Detail.aspx ) instead. I just moved tonight's dinner to Tuesday. ;)
Now I must get to work! September starts next week! Eeek!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I’ve been busy making things. Hoping this afternoon is sunny so I can take pictures and get them listed. And I wish the humidity would just go away!
Today I have some cleaning to do… okay, I have a lot of cleaning to do. Being hindered by these surgeries is starting to make me a little ornery. My ever so understanding husband indulged my need to clean and rearrange the living room last night. (It’s just what he wanted to do after working nearly 12 hours, not.) I feel better though. ;)
Tonight I have another MRI to see if the disc is still bulging and why my leg might be stiffening up when I move.
Which brings me to dinner… do I make it early or wait and make everyone eat late? Hmmm…
Don’t forget to enter this week’s giveaway http://gazeduponglass.blogspot.com/2010/08/this-weeks-prize-and-contest-is.html !
Think I’ll crochet for just a bit before my household wakes up. Have a great day everyone!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Apple Halves Salt and Pepper Shakers
Just in time for back to school!
Etsy seller: http://www.candyapplecrafts.etsy.com
These vintage apple salt and pepper shakers would make a wonderful gift for the teacher!
They are super cute too. :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
This week’s prize and contest is…
This week you can win a bar of our cold processed soap, a handmade crocheted (by me) star washcloth and a 2 oz. bottle of lotion in the same scent as the soap!
You have up to three chances to win! (Make each comment a seperate post.)
1) Follow my blog and comment. That’s entry number one! If you already are a follower just post “I already follow!”.
2) Go to my shop at http://www.cosmiccleanbody.etsy.com/ , click on the cold processed soaps option on the left and then come back here tell me what your favorite scent is!
3) Last way to score a chance to win… tell me which scent I DON”T carry that you’d like to see carried in the future.
It’s that easy! The winner will be picked by random drawing on Saturday.
Rules: You need only be a follower of my blog, be a US or Canadian resident and complete this week's contest requirements to be eligible to win.
Good luck!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Summer is almost over...
Joseph registers for the 11th grade tomorrow. Both he and Jake start school on the 7th of September. My baby boy will be going to kindergarten. Who gave him permission to grow?! Luckily it’s afternoon kindergarten… so I get one more year before I have to fight with him to get out of bed in the morning. ;)
We have most of the school shopping done. Jake went with a Buzz Lightyear theme. He got the shoes, backpack and had to have the umbrella too. And he literally has four bags of school supplies. A little ridiculous if you ask me… I mean seriously, two dozen glue sticks?! I better see a lot of glued projects coming home.
Johnna is truly crushed she can’t go to school too. So if you live on our street and hear her screaming her pretty little head off everyday on the way home from taking Jake to the bus stop… well now you know why.
This week’s menu:
Sunday – homemade chicken soup
Monday – leftover soup and sandwich
Tuesday – tuna salad lettuce wraps
Wednesday – Pork loin, rice and veggie
Thursday – grilled chicken with pesto pasta and garlic bread
Friday – ffy (fend for yourself)
Saturday – Oven baked whole chicken, stuffing and veggie
And now for some exciting news…
New weekly giveaways starting tomorrow! Every Monday I will post a new goodie to be given away that week. Prizes could come from any of my shops! You need only be a follower of my blog, be a US or Canadian resident and complete that weeks contest requirements to be eligible to win. Stay tuned for this week’s prize!
This week I’m thankful for friends that just listen. Thank you.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Back and even better than before!
The sky over my house the night of my 17th wedding anniversary.
Since I am on my road to recovery and reopening my shops I thought I best get my dupa in gear and start blogging again.
I’d like to thank everyone for the words of encouragement and well wishes while I recover. I still have a long road ahead but I feel better everyday. I get to wear this lovely back brace until October but it’s not nearly as bad as the neck brace was so I’m enduring.
While recuperating I have managed to eek out a few new things. I had big aspirations of listing them all on Monday but I think I’ll just take it slow and list 3-4 new things per shop per day. Even that seems a little daunting so we’ll see how it goes.
John has been a cleaning/organizing machine while I’ve been laid up. It’s almost like he was waiting until I couldn’t move so he could do it his way. As much as I hate to admit it, he’s done a fabulous job. So I’m just letting him continue to do his thang.
John and I celebrated 17 years of marriage this past Friday.
John made it very special.
We’ve actually been together for nearly 25 years. Hard to believe, isn’t it?!
I hope we make it at least 50 more.
This week’s menu:
Sunday – Homemade meatball subs and chips
Monday – Sandwich Night – MYO (make your own)
Tuesday – Whole baked herb chicken and salad
Wednesday – Red beans, rice and sausage
Thursday – Pizza (takeout)
Friday – FFY (fend for yourself)
Saturday – Irish chicken and dumplings
Tomorrow I’ll start listing new things. Watch for them!
This week I’m thankful for all of you. Thank you!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Wonder who her neurosurgeon is...
The date has been set. Friday I will be transformed…
They will make me stronger…faster… think this will make me taller?! Now that would be something. ;)
Tomorrow the “man” is coming to fit my short squat neck with a lovely brace. Am I the only one all weirded out that this person drives around making house calls measuring necks?
You can be darn sure John will be here. Sorry, any guy with a vehicle full of neck appliances gives me the creeps. I think I’ve watched too many episodes of CSI…
Anyways, afterwards we are treating the munchkins to happy meals while I go to the hospital and give them even more of my blood. Anyone want to take bets on how many times they stick me this time?
Waiting for John to get home… having speedies for dinner and he’s manning the grill. That would be marinated pork tenderloin, onion and pepper kebobs served on a hoagie for non-upstate NYers.
Posting a sale for all my shops soon… stay tuned.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Humpty Dumpty…
Yup, that’s me…
Sure I’ve fallen… but not that hard! Yet, I am definitely broken… severely in fact.
I’m so not happy about this… but there isn’t much I can do about the situation now. It’s all in the doctors and God’s hands. OY!
Basically I have a couple of ruptured discs in my spine. The one that hurts, in my lower back, doesn’t concern the doctors right now. It’s the one in my neck, that doesn’t hurt, that has them scheduling emergency surgery this week.
The fact that my neck causes me no pain seems to concern and worry them even more. Oh, and the loss of balance. I just figured that was a sign I was getting older… From the MRI scans you can see a disc has ruptured and all the jelly like stuff is pushing so hard against my spinal cord that you can barely see any fluid. There also has been some damage to the spinal cord but they won’t know to what extent until they see it. So, they plan on going in, removing the offending disc and replacing it with a shiny new metal one and throwing in a handy dandy screw or two.
I have been prescribed a soft neck brace for the time being and have to wear it whenever I am standing or out of bed. They are afraid if I fall even once I could be paralyzed from the neck down. No car rides, no lifting… just waiting for the call.
Seriously?! It just can never just be an easy solution, can it? John says to think of it as a vacation. Uh huh… I’m thinking scraping road kill off of I-75 for a day may be more enjoyable. Almost forgot the best part… they’ll be doing the lower back about six weeks after... lucky, lucky me. *sigh*
I’ll be shutting my shops down as soon as I am told what day they’ll be fixing me. I’ll be back in business just as soon as I learn to function with the gorgeous hard neck brace I’ll have to sport for a minimum of 6 weeks.
The true lesson from this whole experience is that if you feel there is something wrong, don’t wait and endure, no matter how tolerant you are of the pain. I’m being told that I’m very, very fortunate right now that I’m still walking... scary thought, eh?
On to more pleasant things! FOOD!
This week’s menu:
Sunday – Sausage, pepper and potato skillet.
Monday – Speedies and chips.
Tuesday – Hot dogs and baked beans.
Wednesday – Hamburger gravy over rice and veggie.
Thursday – Pizza (takeout).
Friday – Linguini with clam sauce and garlic bread.
Saturday – Burritos and Mexican rice.
So today I’m just plain thankful!
Someone please remind me of this next week when I’m not…
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Hoffee and a Nuffin
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Look at what I just made! It’s a crocheted beanie!
Johnna and Jake loved modeling it for me.
*Please ignore the chocolate on Jake’s goofy mug and hands. ;)
I made it in the adult size so it’s a little big on them.
The pattern I won from from CrazySocks Crochet (http://www.etsy.com/shop/crazysocks830 ) on Etsy. The beanie pattern is called the “Jan” hat and can be found here: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=38472143
The pattern is very nicely written, easy and works up fast!
Today I am just hanging out with the family. Since we did all of our errands and running around yesterday we are being a little lazy. We just got done watching “Julie and Julia”. Good movie overall. There were some slow parts but I think both women portrayed their parts excellently. I remember watching Julia Childs on tv when I was young. Her voice and accent always fascinated me. I don’t think Meryl Streep talked quite like Julia did, the highs and lows in her voice, but that probably is a good thing considering that when people try to imitate her, she starts to look comical.
We are having a fabulous dinner tonight!
This week’s menu:
Sunday – Steak, baked potato, salad and Italian crème cake for dessert.
Monday – Chicken pot pie from Costco.
Tuesday – Goulash
Wednesday – Whole baked chicken, potatoes and salad.
Thursday – Tuna noodle casserole.
Friday – Leftovers or FFY (fend for yourself)
Saturday – Pizza for the gang and Thai takeout for John and me.
The Amazing Race begins a new season tonight! We have fun picking our favorite teams and rooting them on to victory.
Today I am just thankful for the people that love me. <3>
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Yay! We finally got some snow! You’d think living in Michigan we’d have a boat load… nope!
Looking out into the backyard from the kitchen window.
So, I’m on a diet. Today is the first day. So far I’m doing pretty well but it’s only a little after noon… LOL! Coffee is helping. Maybe I’ll be able to wear my cute summer clothes this year…I’m searching for good sites with good tasting healthy recipes, any suggestions? I’ll keep you updated on the progress.
I also started taking B1 (thiamin) and B2 to help with the tingling in my fingers. Can’t hurt, right?
Finished curtains in the bathroom.
I got new aliens for soap this week! When freed they become finger puppets and are so cute! Those will be listed soon!
This weekend I will be very busy with glass. Procrastination is not my friend. If you lose track of me, check the kiln…
Okay, it’s the little one’s lunch time. Hopefully we’ll get out today to play in the snow!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Go Saints!
We will be rooting for the Saints! It’s all about the underdog in this household. ;)
Who’s excited to see the commercials?! We shall discuss those tomorrow!
Yes, I know, I know… I’ve been slacking on blog posts. I promise to be more diligent this week on posting. I have a good excuse though. The congo I belong to, The Wading Pool, totally revamped and I had a lot of creating to do to prepare for the grand reopening on Friday. The snowman above is being auctioned off! (Click on the picture to see auction.) Please stop by and check it out!
This week’s menu:
Sunday – Ribs, boneless buffalo and honey chicken and potato skins with bacon/cheese & sausage/pepper toppings. Oh, and of course, brownies!
Monday – Crunchy chicken salads with garbanzo beans and avocado.
Tuesday – Spaghetti, meatballs and garlic bread.
Wednesday – Homemade waffles and breakfast sausage.
Thursday – Red beans, rice and sausage.
Friday – FFY (fend for yourself)
Saturday – Pepper steak and rice.
This week I am thankful that my husband understands that I’m the world’s biggest procrastinator. If there is a deadline it’s guaranteed I won’t be starting until the last possible second. I’ve tried really hard to change this, and I have gotten a little better but there are just some things that prevent me from moving forward. It seems that panic is my number one motivation. Scary but true… I always seem to finish but John is always right there to pick up the slack when I need to concentrate on getting whatever it is done. Thank you, honey. :)
I’ve got to get busy, lots of things to do before kickoff tonight!
Have a fun and safe evening!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Yeah! It's Sunday!
This week’s menu:
Sunday – Kielbasa and sauerkraut on rolls and homemade tater wedges.
Monday – Homemade chicken soup and sandwiches.
Tuesday – Leftover soup and sandwiches.
Wednesday – Ham, broccoli and rice bake.
Thursday – Rump roast, potatoes, carrots and biscuits.
Friday – Leftovers or ffy (fend for yourself).
Saturday – Chicken piccata, pasta and garlic bread.
This week I am thankful that my mother taught me to have manners. I am always shocked when I go shopping at the incredible rudeness or lack of consideration that individuals have of the people that surround them. Especially on a Sunday! Grocery aisles are not designed for you to park yourself in the middle of and glare at anyone who dares to go around you. If you accidently (or purposefully for that matter) run into someone with your cart, it’s always nice to say you’re sorry. Even if you don’t mean it! Instead of waiting for the cashier to finish ringing up your groceries so she can then place all 30 of the bags into the cart, how about you help her out by doing that yourself. Unless your arms are broken… and if they aren’t the person waiting behind you could probably arrange to have that happen. Seriously people, even a smile costs nothing to give and will help you face from drooping to your knees when you’re old!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Rod Pocket Curtain
Well what I worked on today anyway. Today I made rod
So I thought I’d write a little tutorial on how easy they were.
First you must choose your fabric. I like color. It makes me happy. So I went with this bright print by Michael Miller. The print will also prevent the neighbors from seeing me in my birthday suit. Believe me when I say I’m doing them a favor. ;)
Once you have chosen your fabric you must wash and dry it.
Then comes the ironing…
You can’t have nicely sewn things without a fabulous iron. I’m serious.
After your fabric has been ironed to perfection you will then measure (measure again), then you’ll… nope, measure one more time and then cut your fabric. This is best achieved I believe with a rotary cutter.
Time to iron again!
I remember playing with this nifty little tool when I was young. If you don't own one, get one! It makes your hem lines look perfect! Just measure and press.
For the side hem you will measure an inch and press. Then you'll fold over that inch and press again so it's doubled.
Once you have the your side hems neat and pressed into place I recommend pinning so everything stays put.
Now repeat the same process for the bottom hem and pin.
Topstitch the sides first, removing pins as you go. A magnetic guide helps to keep the stitches straight. Again, if you don't have one, get one! Do the same for the bottom hem.
The next step is to skip back to your ironing board and fold over and iron the upper edge (1/2 inch). From your measurements you will then determine the amount of fabric you will fold over to create the top edge and rod pocket. Measure, iron and pin. Before I started to sew again I made a guideline for the top stitching of my rod pocket using my husband's electrical tape. I measured from the needle to wear the top of the curtain would hit. My magnet guide doesn't function well on the plastic casing. :/
Proceed to topstich the lower edge.
Once your lower edge is stitched, line up the top edge of your curtain panel to your tape guide and begin to sew the rod pocket.
Slow and steady wins the race and ensures a nice straight stitch. Trim your loose threads and iron once again. Just do it...
Insert the rod into the rod pocket and hang.
One panel finished. One more to go!
(Please ignore the walls. It's an old house and I need to repaint.)
Lastly, a bonus picture of Johnna. She thinks she's going in the hot tub, hence the bathing suit. Not tonight baby girl. Mommy has some sewing to do!