The sky over my house the night of my 17th wedding anniversary.
Since I am on my road to recovery and reopening my shops I thought I best get my dupa in gear and start blogging again.
I’d like to thank everyone for the words of encouragement and well wishes while I recover. I still have a long road ahead but I feel better everyday. I get to wear this lovely back brace until October but it’s not nearly as bad as the neck brace was so I’m enduring.
While recuperating I have managed to eek out a few new things. I had big aspirations of listing them all on Monday but I think I’ll just take it slow and list 3-4 new things per shop per day. Even that seems a little daunting so we’ll see how it goes.
John has been a cleaning/organizing machine while I’ve been laid up. It’s almost like he was waiting until I couldn’t move so he could do it his way. As much as I hate to admit it, he’s done a fabulous job. So I’m just letting him continue to do his thang.
John and I celebrated 17 years of marriage this past Friday.
John made it very special.
We’ve actually been together for nearly 25 years. Hard to believe, isn’t it?!
I hope we make it at least 50 more.
This week’s menu:
Sunday – Homemade meatball subs and chips
Monday – Sandwich Night – MYO (make your own)
Tuesday – Whole baked herb chicken and salad
Wednesday – Red beans, rice and sausage
Thursday – Pizza (takeout)
Friday – FFY (fend for yourself)
Saturday – Irish chicken and dumplings
Tomorrow I’ll start listing new things. Watch for them!
This week I’m thankful for all of you. Thank you!