Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wet Wednesday

It’s supposed to rain on and off all day today so I’m just doing little things to keep busy. Like washing the wall Jacob decided to be artistic on… Besides that, I have pictures to take and a TON of glass pieces to assemble. Maybe I’ll fire up the kiln and finish a couple of pieces…
The kids had a great time playing outdoors yesterday. I can’t wait until it’s nice enough outside to play every day. And we had a fabulous dinner! Leftovers tonight! I listed these on Etsy last night.

They are scented sachets. Beautiful and functional! I made them from fabric remnants from my friend Lori over at . Her pillowcase dresses rock!
John made a Home Depot run yesterday and got new sand for the kid’s sandbox and things to wash the deck. Guess what we are doing this weekend? LOL!
I’m off…

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty’s Day!

It’s going to be a beautiful day! The sun is shining, I have my day planned and we are going to have a fabulous dinner.

Please excuse my absence… I am back on track… I hope…
I have vowed not to take on anymore long term commitments for quite a while.

With that being said, I finished hosting and coordinating the 2009 Magless Exchange!
I honestly could not have done it without John. He really did most of the work. I just made sure all the ducks were in a row and answered all the correspondence.
I think because the participation number was down this year, the level of difficulty was way up! It was quite an experience. I made a walnut using the freeze and fuse method. I learned quite a lot.

Yesterday I tangoed with my sewing machine and it nearly won but I declared victory in the end. New product shots coming soon! Now onto the camera…

I was up until 1am last night banging my head against a wall over my crappy pictures and finally gave in and read the camera manual. Wow! Go figure! They actually tell you how to operate the thing and give you instruction on improving your pictures. Why I have to be so stubborn about reading directions I’ll never know. So today I’m going to FOLLOW the DIRECTIONS and see if I can’t improve on my product pictures. Any help/suggestions are welcome.

Besides taking pictures, it’s going to be 60 degrees today and the kids need some fresh air! We’ll be heading out on the deck for some sunshine and play before nap time. Now I know I’ll get a good picture out there!

Tonight for dinner we are having corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots. And if I have time I’m going to make John some brownies for dessert. It’s going to be awesome!