Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Look Where I'll be Next Month!

Click picture to make it larger.
I'm so excited.
See you there!

Perfect Pictures

Awesome hair day!
Caught mid-smile.
It's the pictures that aren't exactly perfect that come out the best.
Today we are getting our new lawn tractor. WOOHOO!
I'm sure we will no longer have to bribe Joseph to mow the lawn.
It's finally sunny out.
We will be spending some time outdoors today. Nothing like fresh air to knock your precious angels out. Hopefully I will be able to accomplish something at naptime.
Have a great day everyone!

Monday, May 12, 2008

New Things

Happy Monday!
And a happy belated Mother’s day!

I didn’t feel well yesterday but I still had a wonderful day. My very thoughtful husband and children bought me the coolest little cart for my gardening tools which you can sit on while you’re working! I also received some new gardening gloves, pruners, spray nozzles for the hose and a new hose.
My oldest bought me two packs of giant Sunflower seeds. I’m so excited to plant them!

It’s a tad chilly and windy here today. The ground is wet from two days of rain. I usually plant my annuals on Mother’s day but the weather had other plans this year. That’s okay; it just gives me more time to plan.
I know I want my usual Morning Glories, Million Bells, Potato vine, maybe some Geraniums, a couple colorful hanging baskets, vegetables plants… The list is endless. I can’t wait to share my plants with all of you this year!

We are working on new things all the time.
I’ve just added some beautiful fused glass soap dishes to http://www.cosmiccleanbody.com. They will not only beautify your bathroom but will drain the water away from your soap prolonging its use.
We have new soap scents like Stellar Winds (Pikake) which is a soft floral scent also called Hawaiian Jasmine, Newton’s Epiphany (red apple) and Gravitational Pull (tropical fruit) that is just super yummy smelling!
We also are now offering a soap sampler! It is a great way to try our soaps and decide which scents you like best.
There are always things cooking on the back burner, stay tuned for more!

I’m making pot roast, potatoes, carrots, gravy and fresh baked bread for dinner. YUM!

Monday, May 5, 2008


Meet Nancy!
What are your name, Etsy name, profession and location?
My name is Nancy L. Addante, aka Smokeylady54 or crazy lady that makes
glass beads, and some jewelry.

Married? Single? Do you have children? Do any animals dwell with you?
Yes, I have a wonderful husband Pete, a lovely stepdaughter, son-in-law and grandchildren.
A dog named Smokey and Bandit the cat.
What medium/s do you work with and where did you learn how to do this?
I play with glass, a torch and kiln. I wanted to try torch work because I’ve always loved beads and just wanted to try making my own. Took one class, bought books, and just played with the glass and when I see something I like I keep it. Beads form different in the torch and it is not always easy to make them look alike. Other great lampwork artists can do it, just not me.

Do you have a specific area you work in ?
I work in my basement, in the laundry area. Yep, I would like a separate area.

What inspires you?
Color, I love all and every color of glass rod and frit I can get my hands on.
Is there a medium you haven’t tried that you’d like too?
Yes, Borosilicate glass.

Now some questions from our fellow Etsian’s.
Question by http://www.luluvillage.etsy.com/ :
Would you rather be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond?
Just the small little fish I am.

Question by http://www.marysusan.etsy.com/:
If you were trapped in an abandoned cave, and could only have three artistic materials
with you, what would they be, and why?
My colored pens, lots of paper and my husband as he lifts my spirit and
makes me think of what I do.

What is the one item you created that you are most proud of?
The very first beads I made and NO PICTURE OF THEM.
Here is my favorite memory wire bracelet I have made with rainbow colored beads.
Question by http://www.ariaimages.esty.com/:
What are five of your favorite Etsy shops?
Oh, wow! How can you only pick five??????
Question by http://www.damselle.etsy.com/:
What is your worst time wasting habit?
Sitting on my swing with a cup of coffee and a smoke and blanking out.
I should be thinking of projects to do.
Thanks Nancy!
<3 ya!